I actually just enabled comments on this post to acknowledge publicly that the emailed version of this referred to Jack Nicholson as "Jack Nicholas." JFC, folks, in the name of accountability I'm showing up here take my lumps. -- TB
I'd love to blame autocorrect, but I wrote this at a coffee shop while I'm waiting to pick up my car from the mechanic, so it's a combination of haste plus caffeinated false confidence. Anyhow what has JN done for any of us lately? Why did any of us pardon As Good As It Gets? Maybe I should have just let the typo stand and chalked it up to throwing shade.
I shall henceforth only refer to him as Jack Nicholas, because I didn't even notice.
Thank you for pointing out why I'm uncomfortable with all movie posters containing Diane Keaton. I didn't have the words (or even the awareness of the feelings, merely the unconscious teeth-grinding), and now I do. You have done a great service to the internet with this article, as always.
I actually just enabled comments on this post to acknowledge publicly that the emailed version of this referred to Jack Nicholson as "Jack Nicholas." JFC, folks, in the name of accountability I'm showing up here take my lumps. -- TB
I'd love to blame autocorrect, but I wrote this at a coffee shop while I'm waiting to pick up my car from the mechanic, so it's a combination of haste plus caffeinated false confidence. Anyhow what has JN done for any of us lately? Why did any of us pardon As Good As It Gets? Maybe I should have just let the typo stand and chalked it up to throwing shade.
I shall henceforth only refer to him as Jack Nicholas, because I didn't even notice.
Thank you for pointing out why I'm uncomfortable with all movie posters containing Diane Keaton. I didn't have the words (or even the awareness of the feelings, merely the unconscious teeth-grinding), and now I do. You have done a great service to the internet with this article, as always.